CCD Hunedoara
Casa Corpului Didactic Hunedoara
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Cursuri CRED - Manager și RED
27.11.2024, 342 vizualizări, 0 voturi

12.11.2024, 392 vizualizări, 0 voturi

Organizare program avizat din Oferta de formare a Casei Corpului Didactic Hunedoara, pentru anul școlar 2024-2025.

,,Concursul național de creativitate didactică în domeniul materialelor educaționale pentru drepturile omului, democrație și o cultură a păcii în învățământul preuniversitar”
21.10.2024, 518 vizualizări, 0 voturi

Programe de abilitare curriculară 2024
15.10.2024, 1010 vizualizări, 0 voturi

Programele se adresează tuturor cadrelor didactice, sunt gratuite și se vor desfășura în perioada 4-30 noiembrie 2024.

English Summary

Casa Corpului Didactic Hunedoara (C.C.D. - Teachers Training Centre) is a linked educational institution, to the Ministry of National Education through the Direcția Generală Management și Rețea Școlară (The General Directorate Management and School Network), and to the Hunedoara Educational County Superintendence on a local plan.

C.C.D is an autonomous institution with juridical personality.

The C.C.D. is apolitical and non-discriminatory.

It is designed as: resources, innovation and expertise centre: research and development centre; management centre for numerous activitities. C.C.D. Hunedoara represents a resource-centre for the educational units (and not only for them) in the area.

Such requests should be sent in writing at the secretariate of C.C.D. and they should contain the educational unit, the date and time of the action, the place, the contact persons, and the list of the necessary devices.

The equipment of the Casa Corpului Didactic Hunedoara also includes the following categories: educational software, books and magazines.

Programs are designed and supported by staff with expertise in the area of training adults - trainers, instructors, university teachers, who are responsible for projects and training programs accredited at national level, specialists, other providers of training, educational partners from countries such as Finland, Austria, Germany, Turkey.

Toate drepturile rezervate © 2013-2024 C.C.D. Hunedoara 1.182.624 de vizite din 01-01-2015